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Fallout 76 players in Australia are entitled to refunds

Customers in Australia are now entitled to Fallout 76 refunds.

In Australia, Fallout 76 players are now able to receive refunds if requested during a specific time period.

According to the Australian Competition and Commission (ACCC), ZeniMax Media, Bethesda's parent company, misled customers regarding their right to a refund. The majority were asking for their money back due to the game's technical and performance issues, reports GamesRadar.

The ACCC said that ZeniMax Meda "acknowledged they were likely to have misled consumers," about their consumer guarantee rights in relation to Fallout 76.

“ZeniMax has acknowledged that they are likely to have misled certain Australian consumers about their rights to a refund when they experienced faults with their Fallout 76 game,” ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said.

“When a consumer buys a product it comes with automatic consumer guarantees, and retailers must ensure their refunds and returns policies do not misrepresent what the Australian Consumer Law provides. When a consumer has purchased a product that has a fault which amounts to a major failure, the Australian Consumer Law provides them with the right to ask for their choice of either a repair, replacement or refund.”

The company will now offer refunds to players who contacted the firm between November 24, 2018 and June 1, 2019. Should the customer accept the refund, they will no longer be entitled to access and play Fallout 76.

In light of this, ZeniMax has also amended its customer service documents and scripts to address the "concerns about the misrepresentation of the consumer guarantee rights under the ACL."

In November 2018, a US law firm investigated Bethesda's refund policy after customers complained of not receiving refunds after downloading the game. Many players were seeking a refund after the game's rather disastrous launch which required a massive patch to fix multiple performance problems.

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