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Ex-Kaos staffers gravitating to Avalanche

Kaos staff left jobless by THQ's closure of the New York studio may find a new home with Just cause developer Avalanche.

Avalanche is planning to open a new branch in New York this year. The new studio's managing director, David Grijns, told Develop "most" Kaos staff had already approached Avalanche.

"We will certainly be interviewing many of them for our open positions and doing what we can to help,” he said.

“We have big plans for our New York studio and for our next project and we will have more news to share in the coming months.”

Grijns commented that Homefront's vaguely-worded closure was a cause for concern.

"It is always troubling to us when a publisher shuts down a studio with the only explanation being ‘a strategic realignment of resources,’” he said.

“We think Kaos and New York City as a whole deserved better than this.”

Avalanche's latest revealed project is the downloadable twin-stick shooter, Renegade Ops.

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