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Ex-employees say Rebellion withholding former Derby staff's pay


Aliens vs. Predator? That's so last month. Now Disgruntled Ex-Employees vs. Rebellion is all the rage.

According to ex-Rebellion Derby staffers who spoke with Develop, the Aliens vs. Predator developer has yet to pay wages for the month of April. This comes after Rebellion closed its Derby studio in March. Remaining staff - some of whom have toiled away at the Derby studio for nearly 20 years - fear that redundancy packages may also be withheld.

“What I understand from the guys left in Derby - there are about 5 of them I think - is that they were told to go home, still with no explanation of what was happening with the money they are owed," one ex-employee said.

“Rebellion are claiming ‘financial difficulties’ as the reason for non-payment of wages and redundancy packages, but this has all been done verbally, over the phone, and are refusing to send anything out in writing," the wife of a former employee added.

“The feeling amongst those who have been left is that it looks like they will be putting the studio into liquidation in order to get out of paying the packages that they have agreed.”

Meanwhile, it seems to be smooth sailing over at Rebellion Oxford - which suffered lay-offs at the same time Rebellion pulled the plug on its Derby offices.

A Rebellion spokesperson refused to comment on the situation.

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