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Everyone's drooling over this gorgeous trailer for super-stylish indie Katana Zero

What the hell is Katana Zero? I don't know, but I'd definitely kiss it. With tongues.

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Katana Zero is described as a "neo-noir, instant-death action platformer", but who needs useless words when the magic of video is before us? Gaze upon the trailer above, and marvel.

Yes, you don't need language to recognise the dark 80's neon thing, but it's worth reading the promise of fast-paced, tight action. Also, the information that you can tone down and disable Katana Zero's screenshake, which would otherwise be a dealbreaker for some.

This far-too-stylish affair comes to us from Askiisoft, a small collective also responsible for Tower of Heaven and Overpowered, via Adult Swim Games. It's launching sometime in 2017; platforms have not been confirmed, but it's listed on Steam so PC looks pretty solid, if not Linux and Mac, too.

After watching the trailer you may be interested to know Katana Zero's glorious synthwave soundtrack is by Ludowic and Bill Kiley.

Adult Swim has been getting really busy in the games space recently: it's behind Ray’s the Dead, Death’s Gambit, Headlander, Rain World, Duck Game and Small Radios Big Televisions, a couple of Rick & Morty games, and many others, including mobile and browser games.

It's nice to see someone splashing a bit of cash and support around smaller indie teams; going it alone is all very well but companies like Adult Swim and Devolver are doing a lot to highlight the gems in a near-unceasing flood of releases.

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