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End of Nations open beta postponed indefinitely

Having concluded four rounds of closed beta testing, Trion Worlds has decided to put End of Nations back in the oven to bake a little longer.

"While we received an incredible amount of positive feedback, the closed beta tests also identified several key areas of the game which need polish and improvement," the developer wrote on the strategy MMO's Facebook page.

"As a result, we have decided to postpone the Open Beta phase of testing until further notice."

Trion Worlds had not put a release date on End of Nations but an open beta was expected in northern autumn this year, leading to some disappointment among those players who pre-purchased a special edition in order to secure a headstart and other bonus materials. These customers will be contacted shortly regarding a refund.

Trion has promised updates as soon as possible regarding a new schedule for the strategy effort's beta and launch.

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