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E3 2015 PC Gaming Show - DayZ, No Man's Sky, Gears of War Ultimate and more

The PC is finally getting a decent E3 showcase thanks to AMD and our pals at PC Gamer.


The E3 2015 PC Gaming Show was quite the event. Although its was less bombastic than its console and publisher cousins, it certainly generated plenty of news.

Sponsor TripWire Interactive kicked off the show with discussion of its in-development Early Access title, Killing Floor. Early Access was one of the recurring themes of the show, with Cliff Bleszinski citing it as one of the reasons why Bluestreak is launching on PC first, and DayZ creator Dean Hall discussing what he's learned about the process.

A much-anticipated appearance by Microsoft's Phil Spencer and surprise guest Rod Fergusson of The Coalition dropped a few bombs, but there was no word of PC simships for new releases from the Xbox team, unfortunately. Neither Spencer nor Fergusson would commit to future plans.

In addition to the headlines below and the showings discussed above, we also saw brief snippets of Hitman, SOMA, Fable Legends, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Beyond Eyes, although no clips were released, unfortunately.

Check out the highlights of the show below:

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