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Dynasty Warriors Next ad-hoc co-op, mini-games detailed

The Vita version of Omega Force's long-running hack-and-slash series will feature a collection of slightly silly mini-games as well as co-operative multiplayer.

Andriasang reports Dynasty warriors Next's ad-hoc multiplayer supports four players in co-operative battles. There are four levels, and players can use their own created characters or series favourites. Players are ranked based on performance and receive loot accordingly.

On the mini-game side, there will be two first-person efforts using the game's gyroscope and touchscreen controls, one allowing players to fire a gun, and another very similar to in-level encounters in which players must defeat small groups of enemies.

Other less serious offerings include a kanji learning aid using the touch screen and a horse race using gyro controls, complete with power-ups. A couple of screens also show off Musou Snap, the game's photo mode.

Dynasty Warriors Next will also feature an as yet unrevealed infrastructure multiplayer mode. It is expected to be one of the Vita's launch titles.

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