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Drakengard 3's gets new plot and character details, screens inside

Drakengard 3 has received some new plot and character details out of Square-Enix. The new cast member is Five, sister to protagonist Zero and we've got screens of her in action here.

Gematsu reports that in the world of Drakengard 3, people are given numerical names for some reason, hence why the protagonist is called Zero, and her revealed sisters so far are One and Five. We have no idea what happened to three and four.

Zero wants to kill all of the Utautai warriors that have began swarming the world, while her sister One wants to unify the world through peaceful means, so they're clearly at a conflict. The Utautai spawn from “Churches” across the world and are all female, but it's not clear where they're coming from or why they pose a threat.

Five (pictured above) is an Utautai and one of six sisters. She governs the world's water kingdom and is something of a greedy powermonger. She obsesses over things until she has them, then she quickly loses interest. She's also fond of talking about sex, but we'll skim over that part. Read this if you want to know more about that.

Drakengard 3 hits PS3 across Japan from October 31.

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