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DmC: Devil May Cry Steam pre-order bundles throw in classic games

DmC: Devil May Cry is available to pre-order on Steam now, at the low(ish) cost of $49.99. However, you can opt for the DmC: Complete Pack at $59.99, which includes some classic games from the series. Capcom has divulged the contents of both packs. Check them out here.

The vanilla-flavoured pre-order bracket gives you DmC: Devil May Cry plus some free costume pack DLC for $49.99. Head over to the game's Steam page to place your order.

If you're feeling flush, you can opt for the DmC Complete Pack, priced at $59.99. The bundle contains Ninja Theory's reboot, plus downloads of Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition and Devil May Cry 4. So not really a 'complete' pack then, but generous nonetheless, equating to a saving of $29.98.

The PC build of DmC: Devil May Cry launches on January 25th. We posted the game's bespoke features and spec list last week. Check it out here.

Thanks Destructoid.

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