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Crackdown 2 Deluge Pack out now on XBLMP - trailer


Get cracking again, Agent. Quarterback is toast.

Microsoft's announced the second pack of DLC for Crackdown, the Deluge Pack, is now available to buy from Xbox Live Marketplace.

The pack will be available in two flavours: a free trial pack and a premium set that'll cost 560 MS points.

The trial DLC will include new mode Capture the Orb, which will support 16 players as well as a single-player sample of the co-op arcade mode Deluge.

The premium package contains all of the stuff from the trial lot, only with the full Deluge mode, new Achievements and avatar awards.

Developer Ruffian earlier said the DLC is in "limbo" and looks set to be released later on this evening. Despite that, Nelson's confirmed the DLC is out now.

Hit this for the free stuff and this for the premium content.

A trailer of the pack, as well as a quick look at WM7 game Project Sunburst, is below.

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