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Crackdown 2 cracked open: first info inside!


Well, that didn't take long. We told you about Game Informer's earth-shattering Crackdown 2 exclusive, like, two posts ago, and now the dream has become a reality. The leaked details are as follows:

  • Pacific City, as rumored, hasn't changed too much. But then, there's a good reason for that. With a viral outbreak ravaging the land, we imagine architects have opted to take a few sick days. Well, maybe not "opted," per se, as mutant/zombification is rarely optional.
  • Note, however, that Pacific City will be a different place. Instead of new buildings springing up, though, old locations will be in varying states of disarray thanks to the outbreak.
  • The shambling (and possibly leaping) mutants won't be your only foes, either. A new organization called "Cell" will also send its goons after you, and will function more like a gang from the Crackdown of yore.
  • Four player co-op. Music to our ears.
  • 16-player deathmatch with a "Call of Duty-style" progression system? djfnjewnfnjnmcksmv - Sorry, drool and keyboards don't mix.
  • Civilians haven't given up hope in the face of armageddon. Expect to see Pacific City's good citizens take up arms and participate in "dynamic events."
  • You'll still earn points in the same five stats, but they'll unlock more varied abilities.

Thanks, CVG and IGN.

Tons more through the links.

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