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China's mobile gaming market poised to overtake that of the US - report

China's mobile gaming market is likely to reach $3 billion spend this year, according to digital industry analyst firm Superdata, which will mean it overtakes the US.


A new report form the firm says China's mobile gaming market is showing "tremendous growth", while the US mobile game market is showing signs of saturation.

China's average revenue per paying user and conversion rate both grew more than 20% since last year, Superdata said.

Marketing costs in China have also doubled, but ARPU has grown to meet it. Meanwhile, US cost per install has also grown 36% in response to saturation, but ARPU has not increased significantly.

Overall spend in the US is growing more slowly than in China, and companies like King are jumping ship for Asian territories.

Superdata said the fact that the iPhone doesn't dominate the way it does in other major mobile gaming markets makes for a very different market.

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