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Child of Light projects in the works at Ubisoft

Child of Light, Ubisoft's beautiful side-scrolling RPG, was not the end of our adventures in Patrick Plourde's fantasy realm of Lemuria.


Child of Light was a passion project for Plourde, who in fact agreed to do Far Cry 3 on the condition he could then work on his choice of game.

This paid off for Ubisoft, as the RPG went on to make "plenty" of money, and also for us: following Child of Light and Far Cry: Blood Dragon, the publisher has shown a willingness to support small teams working on breather projects that won't necessarily generate the enormous profits of big triple-A franchises.

But, speaking of franchises, Child of Light is one, apparently: Plourde has confirmed we'll be spending more time in Lumeria.

Whether these projects are games or transmedia offerings we don't know, unfortunately. I really enjoyed Child of Light and would be delighted to see more of it.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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