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Check out the new faction vendors' gear for Destiny's House of Wolves expansion

The House of Wolves expansion for Destiny drops on May 19, and we've got a preview of the armour and weapons that you'll be able to pick up, so get your shopping list together now.

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YouTuber Arekkz Gaming gives us a gander at the new gear that will be on offer from the three faction vendors after the expansion releases, and you'll be spoilt for choice because there are a buttload of droolworthy weapons on show.

If you're a Warlock or Titan, you won't find your armour sets in the video, but if you're a Hunter - like me - get a load of the new armour and class items!

If there's anything in the vendors' stores you've got your eye on at the minute, make sure you pick it up before the expansion, because the stock refresh is going to replace everything. You've been warned.

If you're wondering how the DLC will affect strikes, we've got you covered.

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