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Check out the first 25 minutes of Borderlands 2's final DLC

Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary is bringing Borderlands 2 to a bombastic close.

Borderlands 3 is still months away. But Gearbox is keen on keeping you busy with the fifth and final piece of Borderlands 2 DLC, Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary, available for download right now.

If you're waiting before shelling out a whopping zero dollars (until July 8), you can check out the first 25 minutes of The Fight for Sanctuary - courtesy of Arekkz Gaming.

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The Fight for Sanctuary kicks off with our heroes, kicking back and working out what to do with their newfound power. Every story needs conflict, and it's not long before some fresh hell drops in. New Pandora goons start dropping in, and it's not long before Colonel Hector and his cronies are turning the townsfolk into flowering zombies.

The footage shows off some of the new foes and regions you'll battle through. If your Borderlands 2 skills are as rusty as ours, don't worry. The Fight for Sanctuary will let you drop in with a fresh level 30 character, although you can still bring in your own geared up gunslinger.

Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary is available now on all platforms. Snag it before July 8 to access the new campaign free of charge.

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