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Castlestorm age-rated for Wii U, PS3 & PS Vita

Castlestorm developer Zen Studios could be bringing its physics-based destruct-em-up to Wii U, PS3 and PS Vita soon according to fresh age-ratings unearthed in Germany.

Nintendo Everything spotted the ratings, on the site for Germany's rating board USK.

We checked out the USK site and sure enough, the ratings were there:

When Nintendo Everything asked Zen Studios about the ratings a spokesperson said that the company was keen, “to bring CastleStorm to as many platforms as possible," and added, “Timing is always a challenge," before stating, "however Nintendo fans will be enjoying more Zen Studios games this year”.

Are you keen to play Castlestorm on your format of choice? Let us know below.

Thanks Nintendo Life.

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