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Bungie: Massively multiplayer action game GDC slide was a "joke"

Bungie's claimed that David Aldridge's apparent confirmation that Bungie is working on a "massively multiplayer action game" at GDC this week was a "joke".

"In rehearsal Aldridge was convinced that everybody got the joke," the studio said in its latest weekly update.

"It was all in the delivery, he assured us, and he was certain it was clear that he was playfully riffing off of the recent rumors. Unfortunately, most people can’t figure David out – they can’t process him. And we don’t expect them to. You can’t process David Aldridge with a normal brain. You’d need tiger blood and Adonis DNA."

Aldridge, speaking in a session titled, “I Shot You First: Networking the Gameplay of Halo: Reach," showed a slide saying Bungie was hiring for the project, adding that the game is not "WoW in space," as had previously been rumoured.

You kidders. It's going to be a giant shock when Bungie unveils a massively multiplayer action game later this year and all this turns out to be true after all.

The title is signed to Activision for the next ten years.

Thanks for the heads up, Kotaku.

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