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Bloodborne guide: list in progress of all weapons

Bloodborne has fewer weapons than the Souls games, but many variations.


Blodborne guide: all weapon descriptions

In Bloodborne, melee weapons can be customised and transform between two forms.

As you can dual wield, and carry up to four equipped weapons at once in quick slots, this allows for a great deal of variation in combat.

Although adaptability is key, you'll also need to find out what works for you. We'll be compiling the details of weapons we encounter here, helping you make your selection.

Melee weapons

    Saw Cleaver
    "One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hun, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast."
  • Attack: 90
  • Durability: 200
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Strength D
    - Skill E
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 8
    - Skill 7
  • One of three weapons offered for initial loadout selection on first visit to Hunter's Dream.
  • A standard blade weapon with a good balance of attacks.
  • First form is quick but has a short range.
  • Second form is more powerful and long range, but slower.
    Hunter Axe
    "One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used on the hunt. Retains the qualities of an axe, but offers a wider palette of attacks by transforming. Boasts a heavy blunt attack, leading to high rally potential. No matter the pasts, beasts are no more than beasts. Some choose this axe to play the part of executioner."
  • Attack: 98 (+2 Blunt)
  • Durability: 250
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Strength D
    - Skill E
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 9
    - Skill 8
  • One of three weapons offered for initial loadout selection on first visit to Hunter's Dream.
  • Powerful wit good range but somewhat slow.
  • Second form is excellent for groups or hard to hit enemies.
    Threaded Cane
    "One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters in their duties. Sufficiently deadly as a rigid bladed cane, but also serves as a whip when its blade is split into many. Concealing the weapon inside the cane and flogging beasts with the whip is partly an act of ceremony, an attempt to demonstrate to oneself that the bloodlust of the hunt will never encroach upon the soul."
  • Attack: 78 (+2 Thrust)
  • Durability: 200
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Strength E
    - Skill C
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 7
    - Skill 9
  • One of three weapons offered for initial loadout selection on first visit to Hunter's Dream.
  • Low-powered, but quite fast.
  • First form has very low range.
  • Second form, a bladed whip, is very quick.
    Saw Spear
    "One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by those who dedicate themselves to the hunt. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a medium range spear. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast."
  • Attack: 85 (+6 Thrust)
  • Durability: 200
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Strength D
    - Skill D
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 7
    - Skill 8
  • Sold by the Bath Messenger in Hunter's Dream for 1,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the appropriate key item. Can also be collected in the sewers in Central Yharnam, by cutting down a body in the rafters above.
    "A trick weapon typically used by Healing Church hunters. One the one side, an easily handled silver sword. On the other, a giant obtuse stone weapon, characterised by a blunt strike and extreme force of impact. Trick hunter weapons forged in the Healing Church workshop, said to be hidden somewhere in the Grand Cathedral, were made to the tenets of a rival school of craftmanship."
  • Attack: 105 (+15 Blunt, +15 Thrust)
  • Durability: 250
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Strength D
    - Skill E
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 16
    - Skill 10
  • Sold by the Bath Messenger in Hunter's Dream for 3,000 Blood Echoes after collecting appropriate key item.
  • Great, easy to handle sword form.
  • Hammer form useful for finishing blows.
  • High strength requirement but good damage scaling with stat up.



    Hunter Pistol
    "Pistol made at the workshop, for hunters stalking beasts. Hunter firearms are specially crafted to employ Quicksilver Bullets fused with the wielder's own blood, boosting damage against beasts. The pistol is a quicker draw than the blunderbuss, allowing for speedier responses to attacks."
  • Attack: 70
  • Durability: 100
  • QS Bullet use: 1
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Bloodtinge D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 7
    - Skill 9
    - Bloodtinge 5
  • One of two firearms offered for initial loadout selection on first visit to Hunter's Dream.
  • Comfortably long range.
    Hunter Blunderbuss
    "A blunderbuss created at the workshop for the hunters' line of work. Hunter firearms are specially crafted to employ Quicksilver Bullets fused with the wielder's own blood, boosting damage against beasts. The impact of this highly-effective weapon counters beasts' swift movements, and its wide spread is nigh-on guaranteed to hit the mark."
  • Attack: 20
  • Durability: 150
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Bloodtinge D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 7
    - Skill 9
    - Bloodtinge 5
  • One of two firearms offered for initial loadout selection on first visit to Hunter's Dream.
  • Short range, high stopping power for counters.
    "A special weapon made by certain members of the Healing Church, Spits searing flames by using blood-imbued Quicksilver Bullets as a special medium. Not the most efficient weapon by any stretch, but sometimes a sea of flame is just what the doctor ordered. Besides the beasts of Yharnam can always use a good cleansing."
  • Attack: 45 (fire type)
  • Durability: 100
  • QS Bullet use: 1
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Skill 8
    - Arcane 8
  • Offered by the coughing NPC behind the lit window at the Yharnam Central lantern after a certain point - possibly an Insight gate, or after defeating certain/a number of bosses, or after accessing the Cathedral Ward.
  • Temperamental and difficult to use due to limited range. Practice first.
    Repeating Pistol
    "Repeating pistol typically used by Healing Church hunters. Crafted with mostly metal parts and exhibiting a complex design, the repeating pistol fires wo shots at once, making it a ravenous consumer of Quicksilver bullets. Should be used sparingly compared to its workshop counterpart, as the trump card in one's arsenal."
  • Attack: 90 +1 Blood
  • Durability: 80
  • QS Bullet use: 2
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Bloodtinge D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 10
    - Skill 11
    - Bloodtinge 8
  • Sold by the Bath Messenger in Hunter's Dream for 3,000 Blood Echoes.
  • Fragile and a hearty ammo-eater.


    "A common torch formed by wrapping a pine resin-drenched cloth around the end of a long stick. Hunters choose torches not only because the hunt leads them to the darkest nooks, but also because certain creatures they encounter are possessed of a deathly fear of flame."
  • Attack: 25 (fire type)
  • Durability: 100
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Arcane D
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 6
  • Found by the first Brick Brute in Central Yharnam.
  • Equipped in the off hand, it provides some light, allowing you to lock on in the dark at a slightly improved range.
    Hunter's Torch
    "A torch formed by wrapping a pine resin-drenched cloth around the end of a long stick. Once used in Old Yharnam. Designed to incinerate beasts and victims touched by the scourge. Its fire damage is highly effective against beasts."
  • Attack: 50 (fire type) +1 Fire
  • Durability: 150
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - Arcane B
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 6
  • Found in Old Yharnam. Sold by the Bath Messengers in Hunter's Dream for 1,600 Blood Echoes.
  • A good upgrade to the Torch.
    Wooden Shield
    "A crude wooden shield used by the masses who have arisen to join the hunt. Hunters do not normally employ shields, ineffectual against the strength of the beasts as they tend to be. Shields are nice, but not if they engender passivity."
  • Attack: 0
  • Durability: 120
  • Attribute bonuses:
    - none
  • Attribute required:
    - Strength 8
    - ASkill 8
  • Found in the Cathedral Ward.
  • The only known shield in the game, and something of a joke item.

This guide page is a work in progress. Back to Bloodborne guide.

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