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Blizzard reveals schedule of events for BlizzCon 2010


Blizzard has released its schedule of event for BlizzCon 2010, giving times for the panels along with the subject covered in each.

The opening ceremony, which is the one to watch for any news pertaining to Diablo III, or anything else release-related Blizzard has in their bag of holding. Likely, more information will also be available on the December 7 release of Cataclysm and more news pertaining to StarCraft II.

After that, there will be panels on just about everything imaginable for StarCraft II, D3, and WoW: gameplay, maps, quests, lore, story, live raids, and even a costume and dance competition along with loads of tournaments.

You name the subject, and it looks like Blizzard has you covered.

BlizzCon takes place at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California October 22 and 23 with the opening ceremony going off at 11:00am PST/2:00pm EST on that Friday.

Get the full schedule here.

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