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Batman: Arkham City writer won't return for Silver Age prequel - Rumour

Batman: Arkham City writer Paul Dini has stated that he is not returning for another Arkham game, but don't go ruling out that Silver Age prequel just yet.

Over on his Twitter feed, the prolific writer was asked if he would be returning to Rocksteady's series by fans.

When asked , "Are you writing the new game? I thought arkham city was your last", Dini simply stated, "It was."

Dini has also stated that he has no information on an Arkham sequel, but treat this as rumour for the time being, because bear in mind that the proposed follow-up is actually a prequel, and nothing to do with the Arkham saga.

According to reports in early July, Rocksteady Studio's is working on a Silver Age Batman game set in the 1950s, where we will see his first tussle with The Joker, and run-ins with members of the Justice League.

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