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Atari officially announced as publisher of Ghostbusters and Riddick, release windows revealed

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So it was rumored; so shall it be. After a relaxing summer in publishing limbo, Ghostbusters officially has a new shuttle onto shelves in the form of Atari.

The company gave the universal sign for “no comment” when asked about Ghostbusters’ release date, but Variety’s sources claim it’ll launch next summer, riding a wave of hype generated by the film’s 25th anniversary.

More of a surprise, however, is the announcement that Atari has also nabbed Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena -- a sort of version 1.5 sequel to Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay – along with a new licensing deal for the be-goggled anti-hero.

Assault on Dark Athena will put us back in prison with Vin Diesel next spring, with further sequels to presumably be revealed at a later date.

More through the link.

By Nathan Grayson

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