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Armored Warfare is CryEngine tank strategy MMO from Obsidian Entertainment - trailer

Obsidian Entertainment's new game isn't KOTOR 3, as if that was ever going to happen anyway. It's Armored Warfare, a tank-based strategy MMO that isn't anything like World of Tanks. Well; maybe just a little.

The game was constructed in CryEngine and will be free-to-play. Beta sign-ups are available right now via the Armored Warfare site, and courtesy of publisher

It'll see players assuming control of some hard-hitting military hardware to take part in co-op and team battles online. There's a whole manner of tanks in there, and rides can also be upgraded as players progress. We're guessing there will be the usual microtransactions in there too, but nothing is clear yet.

Gamespot has the Armored Warfare trailer through the link. It's watermarked so I won't be a dick and embed it here.

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