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A Better Ubisoft pushes for more tangible reforms at the publisher

These statements come after assurances that Ubisoft would do better.

Workers' rights group A Better Ubisoft is pushing for a more solid commitment from the publisher towards workplace reforms after nothing but “assurances” came from management that they would do better.

In a statement released by the group, A Better Ubisoft claim that the publisher hasn’t moved past merely acknowledging things need to change. "16 months since Ubisoft was forced to take limited action following public posts on Twitter, you talk about 'a strategic roadmap of change for HR' that you are 'getting ready to start rolling out' giving no timeline for delivery nor any hint of what those changes will be," the statement reads.

A Better Ubisoft also suggests that the workers need to have their voices heard directly, and that they be given “a seat at the table”: "You suggest that you are giving us a seat at the table by re-launching our global employee satisfaction surveys, but a survey is not a seat at the table. You stress the need to listen to all employees, but unfortunately when the minority of workers come from under-represented backgrounds, their needs and concerns can become buried by people who are unlikely to face harassment, discrimination or abuse.” The group also is looking for Ubisoft to stop promoting abusers and moving them around between studios to mask their abuse.

Above all, the statement is anchored by a hopefully common sentiment of stopping abuse in all its forms: "We hope you agree that no abuse should be tolerated and those of us who are the victims, reporters and witnesses should be listened to with respect and never dismissed as a minority concern."

Ever since 2020’s bombshell investigations into several Ubisoft employees’ misconduct, there’s been promises that it would do better at stopping abuse in the company. But it seems that’s as far as they’ve gone on the issue, and A Better Ubisoft wants the publisher to make tangible progress.

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