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343 to spill Halo 4 info at PAX next month

343 Industries has confirmed that attendees going to PAX later this month will learn more info about Halo 4.

The nugget comes at the end of a video going behind the scenes of development on Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.

"At PAX this August, we have Halofest, where you'll hear more about Halo 4 and you'll get hands-on play with Halo Anniversary, both campaign and multiplayer," said studio head Bonnie Ross, referring to the Halofest event happening at PAX Prime in Seattle.

"That's gonna be a blast and a hell of a way to finish the summer," added franchise boss Frankie O'Connor.

You can find the video below. PAX takes place between August 26-28.

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Microsoft also released yesterday a video showing off one of the pre-order bonuses you'll get with Halo Anniversary. That you can also get below.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary launches on November 15 and Halo 4 launches in holiday 2012, both for Xbox 360.

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