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Here's 30 minutes of new Watch Dogs: Legion E3 gameplay

Not even Ubisoft is safe from Watch Dogs: Legion's anonymous hackers.

During a stream at E3 today, Ubisoft showed off 30 minutes of new Watch Dogs: Legion gameplay. We've got the footage below courtesy of UbiCentral, showing off more of the recruit anyone features.

Heads up: E3 seems to have had some DeadSec issues of its own, and there's a slight hitch about halfway through. Very on brand.

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Our first look at Legion presented a very story-driven recruitment, but now we get to see how the "pick up anyone" feature works in practice. Everyone on the street has their own opinion of DeadSec. By performing helpful little tasks, you can slowly start to push this bar up.

When your target's sufficiently fond on DeadSec, go in for the hard sell.

The stream also gives us a zoomed-out look at future London. After fast travelling through the Tube, our player checks out a particularly grimy Camden market before donning some seriously leather gear.

At one point our freshly-dressed punk joyrides a drone straight into a gang hideout. Stealth is attempted for a second, but it's not long before the fists come out.

The demo ends with an explosive firefight in Trafalgar Square. No spoilers, but it doesn't go too well.

Watch Dogs: Legion comes out on March 6 2020.

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