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Gears 3 info comes out of new GI

Gears 32

The Delta Squad class of 2006 is no more. Meet the class of 2011.

According to the latest issue of Game Informer, Gears of War 3 will have two new additions joining up to Delta Squad alongside Marcus and Dom: Anya Stroud, which we already knew about, and someone new named Jace Stratton, which seems to imply Cole and Baird are out. No need to panic, mind, they're still in the game.

Also in the new GI, according to IGN, players can now trade weapons with each other or other soldiers on the battlefield, some of which include a pre-Pendulum Wars era Lancer with a bayonet at the end, and has close-range rounds.

Another new weapon is the digger launcher, which apparently "fires piranha-like creatures into the ground where they then seek and devour their targets."


Two new Locust classes were also revealed, such as the grenadier and "large, organic catapults".

The feature also confirmed an Arcade mode for the game, that allows players to mess around with effects, like gravity, big head mode and more. As well as having stats and visible scoring being tracked, there's also a feature which lets you see how well your friends did in a section, which was first introduced in Shadow Complex last year.

As far as multiplayer goes, two new maps were confirmed for it: one is a deserted thrashball field and the other called Overpass, which is the "sinking remains of Jacinto".

As previously confirmed in a Russian gaming mag a couple of weeks back, multiplayer environments can change, such as flooding water and more.

There's also a new multi-turret in multiplayer which allows you to "affix" your own weapons, before hitting a trigger button to fire it off in four directions.

There's more information through here.

Gears of War 3 releases next April for Xbox 360.

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