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Zynga saga: first two games axed to curb losses

Zynga's recent financial woes have led the powers that be consider new strategies to keep losses down and to sweep loss-making areas of its portfolio under a very large rug. The first two Zynga games to be closed have been revealed.

Kotaku reports that Fishville and Treasure Isle are being axed on December 5th.

The site also posted an email sent to 'FishVillers' - the unfortunate, actual term for players - to tell them the game was closing:

Greetings Fishvillers,

Thank you for supporting FishVille and for being a loyal player! We're sorry to inform you that FishVille will be shutting down on December 5, 2012. In place of FishVille, we encourage you to play other Zynga games like Castleville, Chefville, Farmville 2, Mafia Wars and Yoville.

We appreciate your participation in FishVille as it helped make the game a fun place to meet with friends. As a loyal FishVille player, you are eligible for a one-time, complimentary bonus package in one of either Castleville, or Chefville, or Farmville 2, or Mafia Wars or Yoville. You can start the process by clicking the Redeem button in game when you log in. Please note that this offer will be valid only until December 5, 2012.

Log in:

Thank you for your time in FishVille. We look forward to seeing you again in other Zynga games.


The FishVille Team

Which games will be next to go?

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