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Zynga reflects on game closures, to "be more disciplined" moving forward

Zynga COO Dan Ko has spoken about the company's decision to axe several of its games, as a way of re-aligning its focus, resources and profit-making potential moving forward.

It comes as Zynga's Q1 financials show that while the company's profits are up, its player-base has slumped dramatically. Check out our report here if you missed it.

Speaking with Venturebeat, Ko said of Zynga's recent restructuring, and game closures, "It's around making sure that we have our best resources and our best leaders on the right teams so that, in essence, we can have the best shot on goal.

"We're not saying it's always going to go in the net, but we are saying that we want to increase our odds and always make sure we have the best shot on goal. What we're recognizing is that to do that, you have to make some of these tough calls.

"While it's always hard to shut down games that are in progress or games that are live, those calls are made so we can better position ourselves to win in the long term. We're not playing for the short term right now."

Zynga's new aim is to create games of higher quality, and with greater potential to retain a player-base over the long-term, rather than peddling out quick titles.

Ko added, "In the last few quarters, you've seen that we can be more disciplined in how we think about our costs and our expenses. I think we've shown that. We're going to make hard decisions because we want to make sure we're investing our resources and our money in the right areas to create games that we believe will be franchises."

What do you think about Zynga's situation at present? Does this long-term goal make sense? Let us know below.


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