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Zynga posts 80% revenue spike, but profits down

Farmville and Mafia Wars publisher Zynga saw less bang for its buck in the quarter ending September 30.

Gamasutra reports the social gaming giant's quarterly revenues topped out at $306 million, up 80% year-on year.

Nevertheless, it recorded a 54% decrease in profits from 2010, with a result of $12.5 million.

The swings and roundabouts continued elsewhere, with monthly users increasing by 1 million to spike at 152 million, but daily users dropping from 59 million to 54 million in the quarter, suggesting players are less invested.

In less gloomy news, Zynga has added a few more eggs to its basket, and now pulls 59% of its revenue from its top three titles, which is a significant drop, and shows better penetration across the whole catalogue. Adventure World and the Words with Friends were highlighted as top earners.

Thanks, Joystiq.

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