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Zynga acquires six studios in six months, is estimated to be worth over $5.51 billion


Mark Pincus, CEO and founder of Zynga, talked up the rise of social gaming  during the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco yesterday, and told attendees the firm has grown tremendously over the last six months.

According to Pincus, the company has 1,300 employees across 13 studios in six different countries, said Edge. Pincus also said Zynga has made six acquisitions of other studios over the last six months and there are at the moment 400 employees working on a new IP.

The CEO also revealed that over 320 million people have played a Zynga game its FrontierVille game currently has 650K same-sex marriages in-game, which he called “amazing" and probably "more than any country in the whole world”.

Zynga also has something called Dog Activate in the works, which is a new "social experience" it plans to implement across it's network, allowing users to see when other users are playing its games.

An analyst as valued the company as being worth $5.51 billion - supposedly being worth more than EA's "Nasdaq stock market value".

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