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Zuckerberg wants more industries to take the social initiative like gaming has

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg would like to see other industries "become more social," like videogames have of late.

Speaking at the eG8 forum in Paris this week, Zuckerberg said more industries such as those dealing in movies, music and novels, need to embrace social media in order to grow. He used social media moguls Zynga and Playfish as an example of tow companies which were responsible for “baking the principles of social design” with gaming.

“In each of these industries - the media ones are going to be big ones… in the music industry, it’s going to be people who understand music and people; in the movie industry, it’s going to be people who understand movies and people," said Zuckerberg.

“The gaming industry has been completely transformed. Social gaming has taken off from scratch to be, the biggest companies in the gaming industry are now social games companies.

“People listen to music with friends, you read news and discuss it with friends. These industries can be rebuilt from the ground up with social. The opportunities when you make these companies social are a lot bigger than they are (in their current form).”

Thanks: Gamsutra, PaidContent.

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