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Yoshida: E3 isn't "the show" any more

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Speaking to VG247 at Games Convention yesterday, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said that E3's importance for the firm in terms of announcements has diminished in favour of a global approach.

"It's always important to have something exciting for each key event that we have, and this Games Convention is really gaining lots of lots of importance, not just for the European market but for [the whole business]. E3 was 'the show' in the past, and lots of publishers, including ourselves, focused almost solely on E3 and all the news got disseminated from Los Angeles.

"But now, all through the year we have... E3, Games Convention, Tokyo Games Show, so we make sure we have something great for each of the events, and also some messages for local [markets] as well."

We had a good chat with Mr Yoshida in Leipzig yesterday, and we'll be bringing you more next week.

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