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Xbox One reputation system is clean slate for most players, doesn't carry over from 360

Xbox One's new reputation system is a clean slate for all users, and does not carry over reputation ratings from your Xbox 360 days.

The decision was discussed by Microsoft's Marc Whitten during an Xbox One 'ask me anything' over on IGN.

During the piece, Whitten explained, "We will not carry over any of the 360 reputation scores into the new Xbox One reputation system. The majority of members will start fresh at the “Good” player level.

"We will be working with the Xbox Live enforcement team that has identified a small subset of members that have recently had enforcement actions taken against them and set those members reputation to an initial “Needs Works” level. This will give those members a chance to prove they can participate on Live fairly, and are not automatically placed in the “Avoid Me” classification where things like SmartMatch filtering will affect them."

Whitten also confirmed that you can be logged into your Xbox One and Xbox 360 simultaneously on the same gamertag and that - at the moment - digitally downloaded games cannot be pre-loaded before launch, but he added that this may change over time.

What do you make of the Xbox One's SmartMatch reputation system so far?

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