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Xbox Live users with good rep could be rewarded with gifts, Microsoft suggests

Xbox Live's reputation system could dish out free gifts to users with a track-record of good behaviour under their belt.

It follows confirmation that the new Xbox One rep system will bracket players based on their past discrepancies.

During a GDC session; Microsoft partner and development lead Frank Savage revealed that the company has been thinking about new ways to reduce toxicity on Live. One method could be free gifts that may cause players to think differently about they act towards others, and he said it might "actively encourage them to be better."

Savage added that if a player's good reputation precedes them, Microsoft's rep algorithm may bestow saintly them with unspecified freebies. "Thanks for being such a good member of the community, here's a reward," he said, and added that the concept is still at brainstorming stage within Microsoft.

It's unclear exactly how this system will identify players worthy of free gifts, but we'll have more as it comes. What do you make of this one?

Via Polygon.

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