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UDPATE: Xbox Gamerscore champion breaks 1 million points

Xbox's reigning Gamerscore champion, Raymond 'Stallion83' Cox, was the first person to break 1 million points last night. He live-streamed his efforts for all to see.

UPDATE: He did it, look:


Cox's broke the million barrier thanks to Titanfall, after he earned the "I liked a Challenge" achievement.

After the deed; he said, "Eight years, three months, I don't know how many days. Many many hours, many nights, I can't explain how much I've put into this."

Sort of makes my 126437 Gamerscore look like a pile of crap, doesn't it?

What's your total?

ORIGINAL STORY: Stallion83 is playing FIFA 14 on Xbox One. I'm not sure what achievements he's hounding after, but hopefully you'll know it when you see it, because with any luck he'll stand up and do a victory dance or similar.

Some Xbox users have been trolling Stallion83 by sending multiple invites, interrupting his game and preventing victory. Users have called on Microsoft to "do something" about this, as representatives of the platform holder are known to be tuned into the feed.

Watch live video from Stallion83 on

Thanks, Kotaku.

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