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Xbox 720 specs will be "aligned" to PS4, suggests Ubisoft Montreal boss

Xbox 720 will closely follow Sony's PS4, according to Ubisoft Montreal head Yannis Mallat. He has suggested Microsoft's rig will laregly bear the same features and horsepower under the hood in a new interview.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Mallat stated that the Xbox 720 would, "aligned with what Sony announced" and added, "it's going to be connected. It's going to be social. It's going to be immersive. It's going to be interactive."

On the chasm between current and next-gen consoles, Mallat said "Let's state the obvious: the easy and immediate thing is going to be the graphics. There are some mind-blowing graphics right now on our next-gen technology, both on Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed.

"That will be the entry door for anyone, even for the mainstream. It's really going to be amazing. Trust me on this one. That being said, the connected aspects and the social components will be what will define the difference between a next-gen experience and a current-gen experience. And we're eager to be able to talk about that and show that when we're ready."

It follows comments from GameStop's executive Paul Raines, where he called the Xbox 720 a 'hot, compelling device'. See what he had to say here.

What's your take on the PS4 specs and suggested Xbox 720 specs so far? Discuss below.

Thanks OXM.

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