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What's Your Favorite Star Wars Game?

COMMUNITY QUESTION | Tomorrow, we'll finally see what Respawn's Jedi: Fallen Order is all about. In the meantime, let's chat about our favorite Star Wars games.

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Are you a big Star Wars fan? Who are we kidding, of course you are! Because most people are.

This weekend, the Star Wars Celebration is going on in Chicago. Today, we were treated to new images, concept art, and a new teaser trailer for Episode 9, officially titled Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Is that name referencing known-Skywalker Kylo Ren? We have no idea, but we'll know for sure when it's out in December 2019.

Anyway, in honor of the Star Wars hubbub (and the Jedi: Fallen Order unveiling tomorrow afternoon), it's the perfect time for this week's community question. So tell us: What's your favorite Star Wars game and why? Let us know in the comments!

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Matt Kim, News Editor

My favorite Star Wars game is without a doubt Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast. Of all the Star Wars games I've played, Jedi Outcast is the one I have the fondest memories of. Partly because it has, in my mind, one of the best game-feels of any of the Star Wars games. Nothing has been able to beat the feeling wielding lightsabers and blasters in first-person while force pushing enemies off ledges.

This goes double in multiplayer, where my friends and I would laugh our heads off whenever one of us got a chance to force push the other off a ledge in the middle of combat. While newer Star Wars games might have been able to advance the feeling of force powers with better technology, I haven't played them. So until I do, Jedi Outcast has my vote.

Nadia Oxford, Staff Writer

This week's question prompted me to discover something interesting about myself: Even though I consider myself a Star Wars fan, I haven't played too many of the games. For the life of me, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because so many of them debuted on the PC, and I've always been console filth? Either way, I'm helpless to answer with anything except Shadows of the Empire for the N64. It's not a great Star Wars game by any means. I'm just giving it my vote because it was something to play during the N64's distressingly dry debut months. I will admit the opening Hoth level is a blast, though. Really showed off what the N64 was capable of. Too bad about that limited cartridge space (Sheesh, I can't believe there was a time we were so starved for Star Wars content that Lucas just folded Shadows into the canon).

Caty McCarthy, Features Editor

I only got into Star Wars relatively recently, around when the new trilogy was kicking off, so I missed out on decades of cool Star Wars games. I was hopeful for Visceral's take on the series, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Respawn has in store for tomorrow, but in the meantime, I guess my favorite Star Wars game is an unpopular one: 2015's Star Wars Battlefront.

As a game, the Battlefront reboot wasn't amazing. It leans a little too arcadey for my usual taste in shooters. Still, it's really pretty, and I had a lot of fun with it for a few months. It was one of those rare games where everyone I knew—friends that don't play games, college buddies, relatives—were playing it all at once, which made for a great time of catching up with friends and spawning in as a comical Emperor Palpatine—and looking very stupid in the process. I'm just kidding about all the stuff above: silly-looking Palpatine is the real reason it tops my thin Star Wars games list.

P.S. If Kat weren't on vacation, I'm sure she'd use this time to espouse some love for TIE Fighter. So shout out to TIE Fighter.

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