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Voice actor for Duke Nukem 3D lends chops to Defense of the Ancients


Jon St. John, the fella who provided the voice for our beefy hero in Duke Nukem 3D, has tweeted his return from Valve studios in Seattle where he was apparently doing voice work for Defense of the Ancients.

According to both his tweets, the actor had lent his vocal skills to a game rumored to be in the works at Valve since it hired the Warcraft III mod designer IceFrog back in October 2009.

IceFrog detailed on the official DotA website a few months back he was leading a team at Valve which was working on "some very exciting stuff that you guys will love", and some signs are pointing to a PAX reveal or at least an update on the secretive game in September.

Keep your fingers crossed then, we reckon.

The Defense of the Ancients mod is based on the Aeon of Strife map from StarCraft, and it pits teams against one another as they try to destroy the opponents' "Ancients", which are heavily guarded structures on the game map.

Thanks, Joystiq.

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