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Vita trailers: Escape Plan, Motorstorm, Shinobido, Katamari

Already finished all your Vita games? Launch trailers for Escape Plan, Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen, Touch My Katamari and the ridiculously cheap Motorstorm RC should help you find more.

Now that the new handheld is freely available in stores (those that still have stock, anyway), a new wave of software is on the way. This may be the last opportunity Vita launch titles have to woo you in. Commence trailer spam.

Escape Plan is a charming black and white puzzler with touch controls, from the core team behind Fat Princess. it's available via the PlayStation Network.

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Motorstorm RC costs almost no money, and it's a full-blown entry in the series - but with remote control cars.

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Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen is basically a re-release of the last entry in the series, but if you like ninjas, assassination, and assassinating ninjas, you will find something to love.

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Touch My Katamari is more katamari. If you know what that means, you've probably already bought it. If not, gaze in wonder:

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Thanks, Joystiq.

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