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Valve seeking out Linux developers

An email sent out by Valve's Gabe Newell has shown the company is looking for developers specialised in Linux, according to a specialist on the matter who got the mail.

Phoronix’s Michael Larabel got an email from Newell, since confirmed in a tweet by Larabel, where he said he needed help to find Linux devs.

The email in full is below:

"We are running into a bunch of performance issues in Linux drivers (e.g. 50 millisecond draw calls because thedriver is compiling a shader).

"We’d like to hire someone to work on these performance issues. If you know of anyone we should be talking to, I’d appreciate getting connected with them.

Gabe Newell
Valve, Bellevue"

Valve has been on the hunt for developers experienced in Linux as of the start of this year in relation to Steam, according to a job listing , but Gabe's email seems to suggest it's getting serious about it now.

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