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Valve game resale case: German consumer rights group hopeful for trial this year

German consumer rights group Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband is hopeful that its case against a lack of game resale feature on Valve's Steam platform will go to trial this year. Valve has yet to comment on the matter since it first surfaced last year.

Games.On.Net reports that the VZBV group took Valve to task over not including an option for players to sell-on their digitally downloaded titles, after the European Union ruled that consumers must be given the freedom to do so.

In a new statement from the group, representative Eva Hoffschulte said, “a date of the trial is not fixed, we hope it will take place this year. Until then, it is not realistic that Valve will change their policy.”

The only comment from Valve on the matter is from Doug Lombardi who claims he hasn't even seen the VZBC's complaint.

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