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Ultra Street Fighter 4 finally gets better AA and AF on PS4

The PlayStation 4 version of Ultra Street Fighter 4 has received a new patch earlier.


Other Ocean and Capcom continue to work on the PlayStation 4 port of Ultra Street Fighter 4, to try and remedy all issues reported since its disastrous launch. The studio has deployed a new patch earlier that adds AA, improves visuals, and more.

Interestingly, the "Press Start option was not a bug, according to the developer. Rather, it was a tribute to the arcade roots of the game. The patch has changed it to "Press Options".

  • “Skip” function mapped to Cross button during cinematics
  • Default character costume colors 11 & 12 are now unlocked
  • Anisotropic filtering improved on all stages and characters
  • Antialiasing added on all stages and characters
  • Reduced pixilation on various UI elements
  • Multiple audio balancing fixes
  • Addressed multi-hit audio issues
  • Increased resolution of visual effects
  • Sonic Boom graphical fix
  • Fixed multiple localization and font issues
  • Improved save functionality performance

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