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UK retailer SimplyGames asks customers to pay for higher PS4 bundles to secure day-one order

UK retailer SimplyGames is forcing customers into paying extra to secure their PS4 pre-order for release day. The site has contacted those with existing orders, and has warned them that the order will not be guaranteed in time unless they fork over more cash for a bigger bundle.

UPDATE: A SimplyGames rep has explained to a Eurogamer reader that PS4 pre-order companies must now pay for a more expansive bundle because the company has run out of standalone units.

However, the email adds, "We can confirm that the reason that we need you to select one of the new bundles is because we will not be receiving as many solus consoles as we first thought that we would be. We have therefore made a range of bundles available to you, the cheapest of which is the console-plus-game bundle that comes with either Killzone: Shadow Fall or Watch Dogs for £399.99."

But, as Eurogamer flags up, the £399.99 price was not offered to customers initially. The cheapest alternative bundle was actually £414.99. So something's still not stacking up.

More as we get it.

ORIGINAL STORY: Based in Britain, SimplyGames opened its PS4 pre-orders at £349.99 once they were available, but gamers over at the PS Blog EU forums have spoken out to say that the retailer has contacted them about grading-up their order.

Eurogamer has an image of the mailer here, with the subject field, "IMPORTANT! Your Playstation 4 order"

It states clearly, "WE NEED YOU to update your order," and "You MUST make a new console choice." In return you are guaranteed a PS4 at launch.

Those who entered at the £349.99 bracket are being told they have to now pay for a bundle in the £414.99-£469.99 range to guarantee a UK launch-day delivery, which is November 29. The more-expensive bundles include an extra DualShock 4, additional PS4 titles and third-party charger cables.

One PS Blog EU forum member Frowsen said of the issue, "I am in the same stituation - I do not think the price is overly expensive because there is now an extra controller but i didnt want this, is changing a pre order that had already been agreed even legal? This is a joke."

Others are now questioning the legality of the move.

The initiative was confirmed to MCV. Simply Games director Neil Muspratt said of the matter, “We are aware of some fairly major inaccuracies that have been reported on various web sites. Whilst this is very regrettable, we have taken the decision not to get involved with internet speculation, rumours and untruths.

“We can confirm that ours is largely a retailer-lead initiative and on site we have listed a combination of Sony bundles and our own PS4 bundle offers. By and large these offers have been very well received, to the point at which our launch allocation has now all been sold through.”

Commenting on the SimplyGames bundles a Sony UK rep took a step back from the strategy, “We value our consumers and offered the bundles precisely to give them choice and value. And the key word there is choice. We have not nor would we ever force people to buy one of these instead. Sony is not and would not force anyone to buy something they don't want.

“Since the announcement of these bundles we have been asking retailers to reach out to their pre-order customers to give them the choice of taking a bundle (which hadn't been announced when they placed their original pre-order). We continue to work closely with our retail partners to ensure we offer this choice against the challenges of managing demand and inventory in the climate of amazing excitement and unprecedented demand for PlayStation 4.”

PlayStation 4 launches in the UK on November 29. What do you make of the above?

Via Joystiq.

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