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Try our new interactive map tool (bonus Tom's house included)

Helping you steer clear from cannibals and find the items you're looking for.

You like new features, do you? Can't get enough of them? Need them to feed your insatiable desire for things and stuff? Oh, Ok then. Here's some info on a cool new thing that we’ve built for you.

At VG247 – and at ReedPop more widely – we are continually thinking about ways to improve your gaming life. Whether that’s by providing recommendations on what to (and not to) play, or guides for games you might be stuck on, we’ve got your back.

Today I am excited to tell you about our latest helpful tool: interactive maps for games. Like Google Maps (sort of), but for video games.

Our first interactive map is for the Sons of the Forest, an open-world survival game filled with cannibals – and sharks! Gaming has never been so stressful.

Our Sons of the Forest map has over 500 points of interest, all compiled by our talented guides teams here at ReedPop.

Now, that's great and all, but I've made a little map just for VG247 readers to enjoy. It's a map of my house!

Expand map

Want to know where I make my coffee? It's on there. Interested in if I have any scary monsters living in my house? Included. Keen to know how much of the floorspace is owned/run/ruled over by my two children? Marked. This map is truly an insight into my world. I hope you enjoy it. And before you ask, yes, I did design all the map markers myself in Paint.

Maps work on desktop or mobile, and different items can be toggled on or off to help you focus on your goal.

Our plan is to build and maintain maps for the biggest open world games to help you find your way around faster.

I’d be delighted if you could try out our first maps, and please feel free to tell us what you think below in the comments.

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