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Tribes: Ascend dev cuts XP cost of unlocks by 50%

Tribes: Ascend developer Hi-Rez Studios has responded to suggestions from its community that the shooter would be more fun if the XP store's unlocks weren't so expensive. The studio has now slashed XP unlock prices by 50% to speed things up a little. Now, if only Marks & Spencers could do the same with its prices we'd all be swimming in posh nosh. No? Just me then.

Over on the Tribes forum, Hi-Rez CEO Todd Harris said, "Effective immediately, we've cut all the item XP prices in half.

"No guarantees on how long it will stick. Long enough to measure whether it positively affects the new user experience or not; and also see player feedback on forums/etc. So please do pass along your feedback."

Rather generous of them isn't it? Would this encourage you to play Tribes: Ascend more? Let us know below.

Thanks PC Gamer - via Reddit.

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