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Tony Hawk will finally live up to his name in his upcoming animated series about skateboarding birds

He truly will be Birdman soon enough.

Anthropomorphic birds are in a park, some riding skateboards, one with a brown paper bag that says Tony Hawk's Skatebirds on it.
Image credit: Laughing Dragon Studios

Finally, Tony Hawk is making use of his surname by making an animated children's series all about skateboarding birds.

Obviously Hawk is mostly known for his skateboarding skills, but a name like his obviously helps for the overall brand too. His nickname is even Birdman, and he literally owns a skateboard company called Birdhouse, so the feathered-friend connection isn't lost on him. But it's always felt like he could do more with that name - and now, as reported by Deadline, he is, as alongside Laughing Dragon Studios he is developing Skatebirds, an animated series aimed at kids between 6-11. It is, unsurprisingly, inspired by his nickname, and aims to "celebrate skateboarding’s playful community while emphasising its adventurous nature," according to the show's producers.

Skatebirds follows "a group of young skateboard enthusiasts, who just happen to be birds, who flock together to support their hometown and show the world that when they put their feathers together, they can do anything they set their minds to." The themes of the show all sound quite nice, focusing on teamwork, friendship and community, all big parts of the skateboarding experience. Episodes will apparently run at 11 minutes a pop, the standard for animated kids shows, and there's apparently plans for expansions to platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

Speaking about the show, Hawk himself said he's "excited to partner up with Laughing Dragon Studios for this unique series. Skateboarding unites communities, gets kids active and builds a sense of self-confidence while providing opportunities that can be limitless. Keep an eye out for our show, which will be entertaining for a global audience… regardless of whether they skate or not."

There doesn't appear to be a release date for the show just yet, so you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled for now.

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