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Toejam & Earl Collection, Karateka hit XBLA this week

Toejam & Early Collection and Karateka are launching on Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday, Major Nelson has confirmed. Get details and screens below.

Nelson tweeted the news, along with links to both games on

First up, Sega Vintage Collection: Toejam & Earl delivers both the original game, and the sequel Panic on Funkotron. Both games star two funky aliens as they first try to escape Earth, and then try to remove pesky humans from their home planet. Both come highly recommended.

Next up is Karateka, a remake of Jordan Mechner's 1984 beat'em up, in which you batter ten shades out of deadly martial arts masters. Here's a gameplay clip courtesy of OldClassicGame.

Watch on YouTube

Also, here are some Toejam & Earl screens. Enjoy:

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