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Titanfall: $10 first DLC pack “Not Quite Done Yet,” all new modes will be free - Zampella

Titanfall is getting three post-launch DLC packs, and the first is in development now. Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella has confirmed that while the first content drop isn't quite there yet, he has confirmed that new free modes and double XP weekends are incoming.

Earlier this month, Zampella confirmed that Respawn was going to add in new content that it wanted to ship at launch but had to put on the back-burner due to time constraints. He made no secret of the shooter's free DLC, and confirmed that private matches will come for free, and that the game will not implement microtransactions.

On Titanfall's first DLC, Zampella said on Twitter:

On free modes, Zampella then reiterated his stance:

He also confirmed the existence of double XP weekend events.

The inclusion of free modes should come as a pleasant surprise to Titanfall players, while we're still pondering what the first DLC pack will bring. Respawn community manager Abbie Heppe has suggested that it could include giant alien monsters, like those seen around map Boneyard.

Via DUalShockers.

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