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Titanfall beta "definitely" being thought about at Respawn

Titanfall got a paid of hard-hitting trailers during the VGX awards over the weekend, and Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella has said that the team is "definitely" thinking about a beta trial before the game drops on March 11.

If you missed them you can check out the Titanfall VGX trailers through the link. They show off the new Ogre and Stryder mech classes.

Speaking with Gamespot, Zampella basically said of a possible Titanfall beta, "We're definitely thinking about it." Pretty basic stuff really.

Elsewhere, he said that Kinect didn't fit the game.

That's it, no more to see here and yes, it's a slow news day.

Would you like to participate in a Titanfall beta? Should it happen? Let us know below.

Via CVG.

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