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Timesplitters CryEngine mod enters development

Timesplitters 4 isn't happening any time soon - if at all - but a Crytek-approved CryEngine mod has now entered development. The Timesplitters mod started life as a Facebook campaign and after receiving enough interest, is now on its way.

Over on the '100,000 Strong for Timesplitters 4' Facebook group the mod's leader Daniel Wesoly said, "Update on the CryEngine TimeSplitters project : We have begun work and are just about done wrapping up recruitment! so if anyone missed this brilliant opportunity to work on a new TimeSplitters then email me at Thank you!"

So if you want involved you can do so by giving Wesoly a shout. The mod is planned to cover all three Timesplitters games, and if it's up to shape, Crytek has pledged use of the original game assets to Wesoly's team.

What would you like to see from the mod? Let us know below.

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